Greetings, dear friends. Today I decided to please you with one of the best, if not the best, mission pack ever made. Meet Codename: Zulu. The best mission pack according to the foreign DYOM community on GTAForums. Winner of the "Best Mission Pack of 2011" award. In a word, a legend.
You are a new agent of a secret organization called "Fallen Angels". Under the leadership of Mike Toreno, the Fallen Angels are given top-secret and very dangerous assignments. You are a Zulu agent, a member of the F.A.T.F. - the Fallen Angels department, specializing in sabotage, assassination, espionage, rescue operations, etc. The second department of "Angels" - F.A.A.R.S. - provides physical support during operations, but nevertheless F.A.T.F. is the more active and more dangerous department.
You follow the life and career of the Zulu in Fallen Angels. Zulu, who is a veteran of S.W.A.T., puts his skills and knowledge in the fight against arms dealers, smugglers and the main enemy - the Russian terrorist group "Sons of the Soviet Union".
This pack consists of 22 unique missions, logically divided into 4 parts. Get ready to see DYOM like no one has seen it before.
Longest mission (according to players): "Callsign Indigo" Shortest mission (according to players): "Coma" Mission with the most objects used (98): "Codename Zulu KIA" Mission with the most actors used (100): "Sons of the Soviet Union" The mission that the author has been doing longer than others: "Countdown To The Apocalypse: Part One" Most annoying bug: Parachute bug Number of missions in which we play as Zulu Agent: 19 Number of missions in which we play as Agent Indigo: 3 Number of awesome missions: 22
Add. info:
- Missions in English, no minuses for this. Evaluate the gameplay, cut scenes, plot, and not the language in which the missions are made. - Link to the mission pack thread on GTAForums - Click - In the archive there is a document "Manual" created by me. Be sure to check before playing. - Due to some problems, I couldn't add a trailer, so here's a link to it - Click - And, perhaps, the most important point. The missions were made on DYOM 5 (yes, so long ago), so if you see bugs on newer versions, download the fifth and play on it.