Regular safe. All oysters were collected, all graffiti were painted over, all photographs were taken, all horseshoes were found. Lots of weapons. Passed the missions of the fireman, Medic, Policeman. Motoschool, Aviation school passed for gold. Bronze Driving School. Failed the last mission End of the line. I couldn't find another photo.
Обычный сейв. Собраны все устрицы,закрашены все графити,сфотографированы все фотографии,найдены все подковы. Много оружия. Пройдены миссии пожарника,Медика,Полицейского. Мотошкла,Авиошкола пройдены на золото. Автошкола на Бронзу. Не пройдена последняя миссия End of the line. Другую фотку не нашёл.