A modification that will show your true shooting skills in the game and test the protagonist for strength... Probably familiar to many, the story about Tommy who arrived in San Francisco has now been continued... If someone has forgotten what the meaning is here, I will remind you: after 6 years of hanging around in Miami and completely conquering the entire business of this vicious city, Vercetti got bored and opened up new horizons for himself. Learning that Sidoge in California was doing well, Tommy did not hesitate, but went and immediately put Johnson on big money. Will Karl try to somehow change the current situation, or will all his attempts turn out to be meaningless and directed against himself, and Tommy is destined to become the most important mafia here in California ..? For example, in the front of Tommy's car there was $20,000 lying around (probably for petty expenses), which CJ will definitely put in his pocket as soon as he gets inside. Plus, now CJ has to be extremely careful and think twice before approaching Tommy with a weapon. I'm talking about the fact that if Vercetti sees Sidoge approaching and holding some kind of barrel or something piercing-cutting-beating in his hands, then Tommy may well regard this as an attempt on him and open fire to kill! However, another weapon (or tool) in Siji's hands will be taken calmly and you can not be afraid to approach it, so think about it before ... Well, even more trifles, but it's better to try it yourself, and there is a list of changes in the archive.