Smooth ENBSeries v2 is a tweak of ENBseries version 0075s, next version Smooth ENBSeries, but with the effects of SAGE. There is also Motion Blur Advanced from Alexander Blade, and a setting that removes the standard Motion Blur in the game.
Bloom (SAGE)
Bokeh DoF [Focus] (SAGE)
Reflections on auto [Reflections] (ENB)
Water [Water] (ENB)
Shadows [Shadow] (ENB)
Motion Blur (ENB)
I recommend downloading CLEO 4and set the game brightness to 11-14 sticks.
The archive also contains settings without DoF'with and without Motion Blur.
SAGE — Petr Georgievsky (aka PetkaGtA) ENBSeries Setting — NeTw0rK Motion Blur - Alexander Blade Timecyc — Lil'q ENBSeries — Boris Vorontsov