Now if you enter: a pizzeria, Burger Shot or Cluckin Bell, then in these rooms the music that sounded in the Postal 2 bun store will sound. And also: if you enter the store: 24-7 then you will hear the music that sounded in the store with milk: Happy Ganesh Postal 2. And also: if you enter the bank: Inside Track, then the music that sounded in the Postal 2 bank will sound in it. And one more thing: if you enter the Los Antos police station, you will hear the music that was playing at the post at the Postal 2 police station. And finally, as a bonus: in the crypt in the cemetery in Los Antos, in Vinewood, the music that sounded in the Postal 2 church will sound. And that's not all, the last bonus is: the music that was played in Postal 2's uncle Dave's house will now be played at CJ's house. And most importantly, all the music is made in 3D, and not in the background, that is, the music will move with you like the rest of the standard audio of the game itself.