Welcome to our new mod!!! This creative project was put into development about a couple of months ago. We have been working all this time. These long hours, days, weeks... We built and created. Model after model, texture after texture. In those days, in those magical days, homeless people were visited, both in Russia and in the Netherlands, where I live. We interviewed them, photographed their household items and just listened to their stories about life. Knowing that world, our souls were flooded with emotions, and magnificent ideas were born in our heads. This magnificent world, I will never forget that night when Uncle Marius and I lay in a dirty bath and looked at the starry sky. Meanwhile, on the other side of the earth, Alexander Pukhov was photographing a large iron barrel... It was rusty, and it was a fireplace for the homeless residents of Moscow. Alexander also drew attention to a strange plastic chair. , our colleague Alexander Pukhov shares his experience. Alex, our Alex Huseynov conducted a thorough research in Azerbaijan. He measured the radiation levels of homeless residents and performed tests on their digestive systems (there were no casualties in this procedure and the test subjects were not injured). "Strange structures were discovered in Azerbaijan, the adaptation of which is not clear to us to this day. On a flat layer of sand, dozens of rectangular wooden boards with nails and a huge number of splinters were applied. The structure looked simple and beautiful", according to our colleague IceMenov, Alex Huseynov. Every morning we told each other what we learned and turned our memories into a virtual world. And here is the result in front of you! Lots of interesting and interesting things are waiting for you. The work included such objects as "Uncle Marius' Bath" from Amsterdam, "Plastic Chair of Destiny", the city of Moscow and, of course, "Mysterious Pile", Azerbaijan.says Alexander. Detailing, professional refinement and an exact copy of the technology that homeless people use around the world are waiting for you.
On behalf of myself and with the support of Alexander Pukhov and Alex Huseynov, I solemnly present you the latest mod.Homeless Mod...
Daniel Polyakov, Head of the Iceman Studio, 2012 year.