This version has 12 shouts: 1) Feim Zii Gron - everyone ignores you for 10 seconds (similar to Incorporeal) 2) Lok Vah Koor - clears the sky of San Andreas (similar to Clear Sky) 3) Zun Haal Viik - snatches a weapon from the hands of one of the nearest peds (similar to the Defuse shout) 4) Faas Ru Maar - instills fear in one of the nearest peds, and he runs in a panic (similar to Fright) 5) Yol Toor Shul - creates a forward-directed explosion (similar to Fire Breath) 6) Iiz Slen Nus - "freezes" one of the nearest peds (similar to Ice Form) 7) Krii Lun Aus - kills one of the nearest peds (similar to Death Sentence) 8) Tiid Klo Ul - slows down time by 2.5 times for 10 seconds (similar to Time Slow) 9) Strun Bah Qo - causes a thunderstorm (similar to Thunder Call) 10) Fus Ro Dah - creates a sound wave that destroys everything around (similar to Ruthless Force) 11) Wuld Nah Kest - abruptly moves you a few tens of meters forward (similar to Swift Dash) 12) Laas Yah Nir - turns on thermal vision for 10 seconds (similar to Aura Whisper)
To close the panel without selecting a shout, press Enter. Press Z to shout. After each cry, a rest is required, which lasts from three to ten seconds. While resting, you also cannot choose an arc scream. There may be bugs due to which the selection panel will not appear, and the player will freeze in place.