Are you tired of the cops digging in on you? Can't drive safely from one point to another? Then this script is for you! A script of a certain Magnetic God was written. when activated, all passing cars will take off and will hang in the air 5m above the ground. If you are in the car at this time, your car will be immortal. All pedestrians passing by will fly away from you. Activate/Deactivate X+L
Attention! Who will post this cheat on third-party sites - I will file a complaint with the ucoz administration. if that doesn't help, I'll have to report copyright infringement to the police.
Attention users! Do you have ideas for writing cleo? But you don't know how to do it yourself? And you want to play from the heart? then contact skype - mactep_3epo. If your thought is sound, and I have a mood - this script will be on this site.