Great collection from Zero... MasterZero.. aka ]EC[Ze[R]0 which is already legendary. Here's what my cleos can do: Car_AIR_SlAP.cs U+O toss someone else's car far away (press in car) CAR_ARMOUR.cs U+L will be surrounded by cars like a shield (press in a wheelbarrow) CAR_Circle.cs J+L scatter wheelbarrows in different directions (press in a wheelbarrow) CaR_Cleaner.cs K+, throw cars in different directions (press on foot) CaR_COLOR2.cs 8+i make a hurricane with cars (press in a wheelbarrow) CAR_CRASH.cs U+J impose cars near the player, and he will not be able to move (press in a wheelbarrow) CaR_FONTAN.cs J+O make a fountain with cars near the player (press in a wheelbarrow) CaR_FuN.cs K+0 remove all cars around you (press in the car) CAR_GOD.cs J+8 kill nearest pedestrian (press in car) CAR_HACK2.0.cs J+O fly by car (activation on foot). W+X forward W+F change car W+shift go down W+space, go up. CAR_PRB.cs K+L line up all the cars in front of you (press on foot) CAR_SLED.cs A+J/A+K leave a trail in the form of trunks (click in the car. activation / deactivation) Car_Talking.cs K+O throw the car where the player is sitting (click in the car) CAR_UP_GOD.cs 8+9 toss all the cars up and make it rain (press in the car).