Neon bridges
Axel community | 3D modeling
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26 October 2024neonovye-mosty_1729893982_317568.rar
Неоновые мосты
Now some of the state\'s bridges are getting neon lights. Looks special at night.
Enjoy the game.
Recommended files
28 October 2024
GTA San Andreas

The neon bridge in San Fierro
Неоновый мост Сан-Фиерро by Axel Reyes This modification will add neon lighting on the bridge in San Fierro. Atmospheric looks at night. Enjoy the game.
25 November 2012
GTA San Andreas

Suicide On The Bridge
Recently, many scripts have appeared that add elements of "realism" to the game. I also decided to make a similar script. My script adds (as you may have guessed from the title), Suicide On the Bridge In San Fierro (I think everyone knows w...
30 August 2008
GTA San Andreas

Neon Mod
A very high-quality modification that adds neon lights to cars. There are four types of highlights in the archive, choose according to your taste.
15 April 2009
GTA San Andreas

Mod features: - The mod replaces "simple" thresholds that no one needs in the game with real neon - There are 11 different neon colors in the pack - There are 3 different classes of lamps: A, B, C. - Class A - Standard, universal size for lamps. Fit...
12 August 2009
GTA San Andreas

Dodge Neon
A beautiful version of the Dodge Neon car. The Dodge Neon sedan was the brand's most popular model in the 1990s and was renowned for its compactness.
7 June 2010
GTA San Andreas

Tacoma narrows bridge
I dedicated this mod to the global accident on the Tacoma narrows bridge in the UK (tacoma narrows bridge) in 1940 ... due to a gust of wind at a speed of 64 km / h, the bridge swayed and could not stop, later the bridge collapsed ... I I tried to do...
12 September 2010
GTA San Andreas

Bridge for mod GTA United
Bridge from Liberty City to Vice City, For GTA San Andreas - GTA United. My first job.
25 November 2010
GTA San Andreas

Blue Liberty Bridge
Blue bridge, only textures have been redone specifically for Liberty City.
27 November 2010
GTA San Andreas

New bridge textures in SF
New high quality bridge textures for GTA San Andreas in SF.
27 November 2010
GTA San Andreas

New textures for the bridge in SF (v.2.0)
The second version of the mod "New textures for the bridge in the Northern Fleet" Now the bridge is red and new textures have been replaced.
13 January 2011
GTA San Andreas

New Grove Street Bridge
Now, the bridge to Grove Street will be made of stone! P.S. Decided to do something new. This bridge has never been built before.
2 June 2011
GTA San Andreas

New textures of the Golden Gate Bridge
New textures for the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fierro. High resolution textures.
2 October 2011
GTA San Andreas

A beautiful bridge for mods on the theme of the island. Author:enzor666.
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