Mod adds fuel for cars and bikes. Despite the fact that there were many similar mods, I decided to make this mod using modern Cleo functions, also making more flexible settings for users, and in general the mod has higher stability. You can replenish the fuel at the gas stations (the corresponding icon on the card) by approaching any gas station. In .ini file you can indicate how long the 1 unit will be spent. Also, gas pedal and car speed, i.e. Standing in place and holding the gas pedal will be spent a little faster, or vice versa, to save at high speed you can let the gas pedal, which will slightly reduce fuel consumption. Visually, the mod looks quite neat, also for users there are many different visual settings, positions, size, color, etc.
fixed when the fuel was not displayed in motorcycles.
Thank you for ideas, tips and help: Artem_kostromi, Kusmar, Gund, Sergey, Sergedv, Romulo Monteiro, Crowdigger, _relaxxx_, Eril24_, Dimoman.