Plot: Ray Wright, one of the main “Ballas” gang, sitting at night in his house with his friends, remembers how it all began, there is chaos on the street, there are shootouts between the police and gangs, 1993, the events of the original GTA are just coming to an end. Ray remembers how it all began, how he and his friends were able to give rise to a new gang in Los Santos. It is the history of creation through Ray's memories that we have to learn; Ray's memories will take us to the countryside, where it all begins.
Attention! Important: I know some people might be thinking like “Gatto project? Fe!”
I know that everyone is already tired of this topic, but I want to say in my defense that the idea of this project has been waiting for its release for more than three years, I think that there is a place for another project on this topic.
Technical part:
Thanks to the authors of plugins/skins and other software.
I highlighted it in a separate file, but still here I will also indicate the authors whose works were taken from the site!
Special thanks to the authors of various skins: Cidodjango, BigBon, kronavarb, SlingShot753, Manchini745, vantuz, Mr.Atg810, Timmy, fivathel, hate, 38mafia, crackeren, bryant, R*, vicelord, , artem.
I couldn’t tag some authors, tagged the one who posted it, or tagged their work.
Special thanks toGTA community guru SIZZZ, thanks to which everything in this project is kept in working order!
Also andre500, authors of plugins StealthFix (DYOM), AudioFX Modified, DYOM#.
And to others!
Stream Memory Fix - Alexander
Thank you Mefistoand N1K1T0S for the legendary crack for duom!
Thank you Link2012for Modloader!