TweaksV v45
14 March 2025tweaksv-v60_1741979930_119282.rar
Updated to version 60 (points 56 to 60 in the list below). (14.03.2025)
Not really a mod, just a compilation of tweaks I discovered.
- Time till hungry. Allows to change the time till CJ will feel hungry after eating (default 48 hours). Replaces my TTH mod (not TTH2 !!!)
- Makes car stay clean for a longer time (replaces DirtySlower mod)
- Shows ammo when it is over 9999. Shows up to 50000. (replaces Show Ammo over 9999)
- Unlocks cop cars in traffic. Now you can pull the cop out of the car.
- Limited ammo after you reach 100% progress.
- Paint all cars. Allows you to paint any vehicle in Pay'N'Spray (bicycles, police vehicles, buses etc)
- Cop tweaks. Various settings related to law enforcement (weapon, ammo, armor, shooting rate, accuracy)
Note: changing weapon to anything outside of original weapon slot may not work — example: giving anything except pistols to foot cops - Heli searchlight corona size reduced
- Disable police scanner. Disables police radio chatter when player gets a wanted level
- Reduce amount of cars on motorways. The game used 1.7 multiplier when the player is on motorway and 1.0 in all other places. This setting (if enabled) changes 1.7 to 1.0.
- Change flashing duration and flashing speed of wanted stars.
(ini: Duration and FlashSpeed) - Change how much money you loose when you get busted (set for each wanted level)
(ini: BLevel1 — BLevel6) - Set the the angle at which traffic cars turn left or right when you approach
them with siren on. Somewhat fixes the absurd 90-degree turn that is set by R*.
(ini: SwerveAngle) - Disable bike cops shooting at you while they are on bikes.
(ini: DisableBikeCopPistol) - Change price modifiers for each city.
For example, pistol in LS and SF is sold 200$ and 240$ in LV.
This means modifiers are 1.0 for LS and SF, 1.2 for LV. You can now change this values. Affects everything.
(ini: PriceModifiesLS — LV) - Set police heli shooting accuracy (ini: HeliShootingAcc)
- Set police heli shooting rate (ini: Heli shooting rate)
- Set how long the police heli will fly around before it starts shooting (ini: DelayWanted)
- Change how fast the car will explode after it starts burning (ini: ExplosionDelay)
- Reduce the speed of cars spawned on motorways (cars spawn with certain speeds that's supposed to match the traffic speed) and if there was a jam on the road — it resulted in a pile of crashed cars (ini: ReduceMWspeed)
- Сop vehicle coronas tweaks/siren lights appearance (Replaces Cop Vehicle Coronas mod) (ini:CopCarCoronas)
- -Sprint on any surface (ini: Sprint Anywhere)
- -Вisables cops spawning near exit when you leave any interior with wanted level.
NOTE: if you were followed before entering a building, most likely some of them
will be there when you exit. Alternatively, you can tweak how many of them will spawn.
(ini: WaitingCoppers) - Disable hands movement after a ped (cop, gang, whoever) kills another ped.
(ini: NoHandMovement) - Combine Harvesters now spawn with doors unlocked (ini: CombineUnlocked)
- Enable friendly fire (cops, gangs can damage eachother with bullets) (ini:FriendlyFire)
NOTE: this causes problems with drive-by — homies shoot each other - Enable duck/crouch button when running (ini: CrouchWhenRunning)
- Disable rear end swinging on cars (ini: SwingingChassis)
- Map (the menu one) stretched to full screen, zoom in/out speed 3x, map scroll speed 2x, help text disabled (ini: BigMap)
- Hydra thrusters movement speed (ini: HydraThrustersSpeed)
- Disable cops spawning around the player. Car cops still arrive as usual. Random cops
might still appear because they are spawned as part of peds, but that's not even
close to what it was. Makes the game easier, but more comfortable (ini: DontSpawnCops) - Disable vehicle name display when entering vehicle (ini: DisableVehicleNames)
- Removed "apply extra air resistance" in some areas. This will allow the car to go full speed everywhere (ini: DisableExtraAirResist)
Credits: idea — TJGM, cleo code — void, first discovery — iFarbod - Disable wind affecting clothes — might be useful for custom clothes (ini: WindAffectsClothes)
- SWAT position relative to heli — point where SWAT team appears and start descending, useful if you use non-vanilla police heli (ini:UseCustomSWATpos and settings below it)
- Wake brightness reduced — trail on the water that CJ leaves when swimming (ini: WakeBrightness)
- Water cannon stream made thinner (ini: WaterCannonThinner)
- Light from missiles reduced (ini: MissileLightSmaller)
- Peds don't drown in water (ini:PedsDontDrown) and peds swim (ini:PedsSwim)
Makes peds don't drown when they fall in water and (if enabled) makes them swim somewhere. Unfortunately, they can't climb on stuff (like pier for example), and they swim in one direction without searching for a path. - Rhino damage multiplier. It is a multiplier that increased damage made by Rhino when it hit
cars. Game default is 15 and it caused instant explosion or sets the car on fire on the slightest scratch. Now you can set it to any number you prefer (range 0 to 15). (ini: RhinoDamageMult) - Disable guns on Predator boat. Affects only police-controlled boats. (ini: Police->DisablePredatorGuns)
- Disable police boat loudspeaker (ini: Police->DisableBoatLoudspeaker)
- Probabily of police heli using loudspeaker. Allowed values are 0.0 to 1.0 (game default).
0.0 disables it completely, in order to noticeably reduce the amount of heli "talking" you
have to use really low values, like 0.0005 (ini: Police->PoliceHeliLspProbability) - Rhino explosion proof — removes EP flag from Rhino, it can now be damaged by explosions
as all other cars. This is intended to use with reduced Rhino damage multiplier.
(ini: Gameplay->RhinoExplosionProof) - Don't make the car white before applying a paintjob (ini: Visual->DontRemoveColor)
- Option to disable black area around sniper crosshair (ini: Visual->NoSniperViewBorder)
Note: requires custom crosshair. With vanilla it would look bad. - Option to disable rendering of three spheres (like near Vank Hoff hotel — see screenshots)
(ini: Visual->Disable3Spheres)
- option to change Enex marker color, only Red and Green values available
(ini: Visual->EnexConeR(G))
- option to change sphere color (ini: Visual->SphereColorR(G,B)) - In some garages the camera stays outside. Now you can disable this behavior
(ini: Visual->DisableGarageCam) - - Keep weapons when busted (ini: Gameplay->KeepWeaponsWhenBusted)
- Keep weapons when wasted (ini: Gameplay->KeepWeaponsWhenWasted)
When any of the above options is disabled — the game would work as it used to, taking gilfriend bonuses into account. - Disable distance fog. (ini: Visual->DisableFog)
Note: to get results like on the screenshot you have to increase drawing distance a lot
in Project2DFX - Make water creatures visible from the shore, transparent water mod required
(ini: Visual->WaterCreaturesVisibility) - Change intensity of camera shake when explosion is near the player (ini: Visual->CamShake***)
- Sniper crosshair tweaks (ini: Visual->EnableSCtweaks)
This one is for those, who make their custom crosshairs. To draw sniper crosshair the game uses only upper-left section of the crosshair and then copies and rotates it three times. Now you can disable any section or change it's color. - Option to change grenade explosion delay (ini: Gameplay->GrenadeFuseTime)
Note: if you are using GrenadeMod — you should change the value there as well - Option to disable stats pop up box (ini: Visual->DontShowStats)
- Сhange lightning frequency, relative value. Game uses 200 as default. Setting it to 50
will make lightning appear ~4x times less often. 0 seems to disable lightning
(ini:Visual->LightningFrequency) - Recruited gang members don't move hands when following CJ (ini: Visual->GangDontMoveHands)
- Create a single money pickup (one pack of bills)for ped drops instead of multiple packs
(ini: Visual->SingleMoneyPickup) - Change the chance that a gang member spawns with weapon.
By default, the game uses 33% chance. (ini: Gameplay->GangWeaponChance) - Option to make boats spawn clean, without dirt on them (ini: Visual->BoatsSpawnClean)
Additional v40 updates:
organized stuff inside ini file, from now on everything will be sorted by sections:
Gameplay, Visual, Audio, Police, Big Map
This should have been done in the first versions. Well, we are where we are and users will have to edit the config once more. Sorry about that.
Gameplay — various stuff related to gameplay
Visual — visual fixes and improvements
Audio — audio setting (empty so far)
Police — everything that is related to cops
Big Map — big map mod stuff goes here
BigMap updates:
- crosshairs now work as they should on a full-screen map — they can reach the borders
- option to make BACK work only when cursor is in lowest position on the screen
(ini: BigMapBackFix)
- SkyUI support — moves area name a bit higher, to avoid overlapping text
(ini: BigMapSkyUIsupport)
v20 notes:
Shooting delay (DelayWanted) is set for each wanted level independently.
ExplosionDelay — use only one of values listed in .ini. Don't use any other value !
Heli shooting rate: The game picks a number between 0.0 and 1.0 and checks if it's greater or equal to 0.15000001 . If it is — it sets the shooting rate to 150. If not — the it sets it to 400 (these are relative values, based on time). You can ignore the randomizer value (HeliShootingRand) and just set Rate1 and Rate2 to same values (lower values mean faster shooting), that's the best and easiest way.
Every option can be enabled or disabled in ini. The mod doesn't stay in memory. Made this to clean up modloader folder a bit.
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