Nate Klebold is a person about whom nothing bad can be said: he works as a cook, has his own car, gets along well with everyone. However, at one point there comes a "point of no return", after which Nate will no longer be the same.
Attention! This project does not call for anything, and carries only an entertaining character. Play it at your own risk.
What you need to run:
DYOM 8.1;
Font from Mefisto v.2;
Any tool to download skins.
Skins, DYOM# and afx scripts are included, they are required to be installed.
Also, so that the music from one mission does not overlap with all the others, after completing each mission, simply restart DYOM.
It is recommended to play with the frame limiter disabled, with the widescreen mode (no black bars at the top and bottom) and without the radio.
Skin authors: Yhdf, IceMan-Studio, Cyrax, csillam_faszlama, Azetcas_5, Kritskiy88, The Farm 51, Danny Mods, Mr.Atg810, Underground47. Script authors: SIZZZ, andre500. game bag.