Have you ever wanted, in the truest sense of the word, to get into someone's mind? Find out all his hidden secrets, thoughts, worldview? In this DYOM project, you will have such an opportunity: you can read the thoughts of the boy Elmo, who fled from the modern city to the boring and unremarkable Carfrikrime. Why he did it and what adventures Carfreecrime is preparing for him - you will find out by playing this project.
Note: There is a music bug in the project that we could not fix. Because of it, the music from one mission is superimposed on all the others. To avoid this, after completing each mission, simply restart DYOM.
What is needed for the project to work correctly: Dyom v8.1 Russifier from Mephisto 2.0 Modloader to download skins And be sure to install all CLEO scripts, skins and soundtracks! (If you are filming letsplay, you don’t need to download soundtracks. I don’t need to explain why)