The "Unity" faction of S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Unity is a grouping of stalkers and former military men. The members of the group believe that unity is their main strength. The faction is neutral to almost all other factions, and also has fairly good relations with the Duty faction, which, according to rumors, supplies them with various equipment. They very often clash with bandits and sometimes with svobodists.
The skins are made with high quality, I did not notice any bugs.
Enjoy your game!
Единство - это группировка сталкеров и бывших военных. Члены группировки считают, что единство – это их главная сила. Группировка нейтральна почти ко всем другим группировкам, а также имеет достаточно хорошие отношения с группировкой \"Долг\", которая, по слухам, поставляет им различную экипировку. Очень часто конфликтуют с бандитами и иногда со свободовцами.
Скины выполнены качественно, багов не заметил.
Приятной вам игры!
Recommended files

Firebase "The Last Day" of S.T.A.L.K.E.R

The "Renegades" faction from S.T.A.L.K.E.R

The Phoenix Faction

Administrative Building 01 of S.T.A.L.K.E.R

The Other Side of San Andreas

Alan Wake from the first part of the game!

Giant from the game Prince of Persia

OG LOC from the beta version of the game

The second pack of weapons from Black Ops

The last inhabitant of Xtillo Del Diablo

Newsvan mod or feature from the beta version of the game

Soldier of the Airborne Forces of the USSR (envelope from the 9th Company)

Captain of the Special Forces of the GUR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Anti-freeze for the Steam version of GTA: SA