A modification that will add Oleg Laponogov to the game, his song about his favorite car, originality and a vaporwaver, which is built directly into the sounds.
By default, sounds are replaced for banks 031, 032 (Hotring/Buffalo/Alpha/Infernus cars, etc.)
Installation is recommended only through Modloader, because if you choose a different method, you will have to deal with guides on SAAt_Visual and installing dyn_sfx.asi, and I want to leave this out of my jurisdiction...
Installation via Modloader: Drop the "Tabula rasa sounds" folder into the "modloader" folder, play.
Don't forget that you can change the sound of the replaced car by changing the numbers in the name of the "bank_xxx" folders, for this: 1. Let's go here — https://www.gta-modding.com/san_andreas/tutorials/genrl_sounds.html , select the sound of the car and, in the case of the choice, say, Hermes / Remington, change 031 to 028, and 032 to 029, play.