MultiMod (works in samp)
Password for the archive: libertycity
Multicheat, multimode for samp.
Hot keys:
- Activate Airbrake (Arrow keys to move, numpad for up/down)
] - Deactivate Airbrake
F1 - Invincibility
F2 - Jetpack
F3 - Weapons
F4 - Admin Unfreeze
H - Toggle Car Superspeed
F5 - Car autopilot to waypoint
F6 - Car jump
F11 - Save a car
F12 - Call it back (From F11)
Numpad * - Carjack the nearest player
Numpad 3 - Stick to the nearest player
Numpad 9 - Instant Car Exit
Numpad + - Slow motion
Numpad Del - Fast Motion
Application Key - Deactivate all cheats (For cheat scan)
Numpad / - Instant Brake
; and ' - Quick turn Left & Right
Respawn where they died (Hold Numpad -)
Endless run
Accurate Health/Armor display
Instant Respawn
Instant Helicopter Rotor start
How to install:
Stepping through the installation process
Download the game and you're done.
Мультичит, мультимод для samp.
Горячие клавиши:
- Activate Airbrake (Arrow keys to move, numpad for up/down)
] - Deactivate Airbrake
F1 - Invincibility
F2 - Jetpack
F3 - Weapons
F4 - Admin Unfreeze
H - Toggle Car Superspeed
F5 - Car autopilot to waypoint
F6 - Car jump
F11 - Save a car
F12 - Call it back (From F11)
Numpad * - Carjack the nearest player
Numpad 3 - Stick to the nearest player
Numpad 9 - Instant Car Exit
Numpad + - Slow motion
Numpad Del - Fast Motion
Application Key - Deactivate all cheats (For cheat scan)
Numpad / - Instant Brake
; and \' - Quick turn Left & Right
Respawn где погибли (Держите Numpad -)
Бесконечные перспективе
Точные Здоровье / Armor дисплей
Мгновенное Respawn
Мгновенное Вертолет Ротор начало
Как установить:
Переход через процесс установки
Загрузка игры, и все готово.
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