RZL-Trainer v4.0.1 (Cheat Menu) - Convenient cheat menu like in GTA 5

Password for the archive: libertycity
7 June 2021v4.0.11623080292_rzl-trainer_v4.zipPassword for the archive: libertycity
RZL-Trainer v4.0.1
This is CLEO trainer or new generation cheat menu. I hope you know why you need it. The user interface is made in the style of GTA 5. It consists of integers244 thousandlines of code. The configuration .ini file is automatically created when the game starts. The script uses local variables (from 0@ to 767@).
The minimum version of CLEO is v4.4.0
On CLEO v4.3 and below there will be bugs
What's new in version 4.0.1?
- Fixed paint job color bug when loading saved car
- Fixed bug with option text "Save current vehicle"
- Added 30 slots for saving and loading vehicles. Now there are 60 of them
What's new in version 4.0.0?
This version is a complete remake of the old trainer.
Completely new functions added:
- New rewind styles
- Skins add-on spawner (Automatic scanning of "CLEOSkin.img" archive)
- Spawner add-on peds (Auto scan)
- Weapon add-on spawner (Manual setting)
- Player Appearance Editor (Auto Scan)
- Tool for creating maps (Automatic object scanning)
- Ability to enter vehicle ID or DFF model name
- Car Tuning (Auto Scan Parts)
- Neons for cars
- MP3 player
- Water editor
- System colors hack
- Teleport to the 'N' icon on the radar [Experimental feature]
- Support for text translations in *.ini format. Now anyone can become a trainer translator into their native language. And yes, you can share your translation with others!.
- and a lot more.
Help:Add-Ons are skins/vehicles/cannons that do not replace standard models. They are added to the game as brand new.
You can install the trainer manually or using the .exe installer (at your own risk)
The standard installation of the file (.cs) is carried out along the path: "GTA San Andreas / CLEO" with the pre-installed CLEO library.
- From the keyboard
F2 = Show/Hide Menu
Numpad 5/ Right Shift = Select
Numpad 0/ Backspace = Return
Numpad 8/ Up Arrow = Up
Numpad 2/ Down Arrow = Down
Numpad 4/ Left Arrow = Left
Numpad 6/ Right Arrow = Right
Numpad 9/ Page Up = Go up a whole page (if possible)
Numpad 3/ Page Down = Move down a whole page (if possible)
- From the controller
Hold R1 + Dpad left = Show menu
Dpad Right = Confirm
Dpad Left = Return
Dpad Up = Up
Dpad Down = Down
Hold L1 + Left Dpad = Left
Hold L1 + Right Dpad = Right
- Hot keys
Alt+1 = Player options menu
Alt+2 = Vehicle options menu
Alt+3 = Wanted options menu
Alt+4 = Weapon Menu
Alt+5 = Teleport Menu
Alt+6 = Mission Menu
Alt+7 = Time menu
Alt+8 = Weather Menu
Alt+9 = Object Menu
Alt+0 = Other options menu
Atl+Q = Airbreak
Atl+F = Exit vehicle
Atl+T = Enter dff model name
Delete = Teleport to marker
J = Teleport to nearest car
K = Teleport passenger to nearest vehicle
] = Rapid acceleration
[ = Quick stop
*Player options
Everything related to the player. For example: spawn, skin change, god mode, etc.
*Vehicle options
Everything related to transport. For example: vehicle spawning, vehicle tuning and modification, god mode, etc.
*Wanted options
Menu related to the police.
*Weapon options
Everything related to weapons is localized here. Like for example: Weapon spawn, amount of ammo, infinite ammo, etc.
*Teleport options
Teleport menu. With it, you can easily run through all the graffiti, oysters, horseshoes and pictures. And of course, go to any place you want.
*Mission options
Quick access to all missions in the game, including mini games.
*Time options
Everything related to time. Setting the time, day of the week, game speed, etc.
*Weather Options
*Object options
Map creator, object spawner. Yes, you can create your own map right in the game, and even save it.
*Other options
Several smaller menus are located here. For example: MP3 player, water editor, etc.
Trainer setup center for yourself. For example: theme, menu position, language, etc.
Participated in development:
(Contribution - Author)
1. Additional Local Variables - Source by Ninja FTW
2. Trains Never Derail - Memory Addresses by Santosh
3. Advanced Train Spawner - Memory Address by Ryosuke
4. Neons - Memory address from Den_spb
5. Add-on skins - Feature source by Fan Script & Ryosuke
6. Add-on weapons - Memory Addresses from Fan Script
7. FPS Limit Extension and 14ms Delay Removal - Memory Address by Junior Djjr
8. Vehicle model ID checker — Function source from Junior Djjr
9. Entering the name of the DFF transport model - Function source from Junior Djjr
10. Vehicle Saving - Helped by Mikhail Kochitov (chell555)
eleven. 12. Water Reload - Function source from Gold Fish
13. Hacking System Colors - Frouk Memory Address
14. Graffiti painting locations - by SA Helper
15. "No heat" effect and disable motion blur - Memory Address by Junior Djjr
16. gtamods.com - A bunch of memory addresses were taken from here
17. Tested - MDR
Don't forget to upvote!
Review of modification
RZL-Trainer v4.0.1
This is a CLEO Trainer or Cheat Menu, i hope you understand. I made a UI like the one in GTA V.244k lines of codehave been written. The config *.ini file is automatically generated after the game is opened. The script fully uses local variables from0@-767@for now.
Need CLEO v4.4.0 above.
CLEO v4.3 below some feature have bug.
What's new on Version 4.0.1?
- load saved vehicle paintjob color bug fixed
- save current vehicle confirm text bug fixed
- add 30 slot save/load vehicle, now total slot is 60 on save/load vehicle
What's new on Version 4.0.0?
This Version is fully Remake. The newest Advanced Feature is:
- New Scrolling Styles
- Add-on Skin Spawner (Auto Scan on "CleoSkin.img")
- Add-on Ped Spawner (Auto Scan)
- Add-on Vehicle Spawner (Auto Scan)
- Add-on Weapon Spawner (Manual Add on Config)
- Player Appearance (Auto Scan)
- Map Creator (Object Auto Scan)
- Input Vehicle ID
- Input Vehicle DFF Name
- Vehicle Modification (Part Auto Scan)
- Vehicle Neon Kits
- MP3 Music Player
- Water Modify
- System Color Hack
- Teleport to Radar 'N' [Experimental]
- Support External Language via *.ini file. Now anyone can become a Translator. Yeah, you can share your language with everyone.
- and many more.
- Keyboard Control
F2 = Show/Hide Menu
Numpad 5/ Right Shift = Accept
Numpad 0/ Backspace = Back
Numpad 8/ Arrow Up = Up
Numpad 2/ Arrow Down = Down
Numpad 4/ Arrow Left = Left
Numpad 6/ Arrow Right = Right
Numpad 9/ Page Up = Up 10/5 Line (If Possible)
- Joypad Control
Hold R1 + Dpad Left = Show Menu
Dpad Right = Accept
Dpad Left = Back
Dpad Up = Up
Dpad Down = Down
Hold L1 + Dpad Left = Left
Hold L1 + Dpad Right = Right
- Shortcut Keyboard Control
Alt+1 = Player Options Menu
Alt+2 = Vehicle Options Menu
Alt+3 = Wanted Options Menu
Alt+4 = Weapon Options Menu
Alt+5 = Telepor Options Menu
Alt+6 = Mission Options Menu
Alt+7 = Time Options Menu
Alt+8 = Weather Options Menu
Alt+9 = Object Options Menu
Alt+0 = Misc Options Menu
Atl+Q = Air Break
Atl+F = Eject Form Vehicle
Atl+T = Input Vehicle Dff Name
Delete = Teleport To Marker
J = Teleport To Nearest Vehicle As Passenger
K = Teleport To Nearest Vehicle As Passenger
' = Go Through Door
] = Instant Speed Up
[ = Instant Stop.
*Player Options
Everything related to the Player menu is here. Like: Actor Spawning, Change Skin, Player God Mode, etc.
*Vehicle Options
Everything related to the Vehicle menu is here. Like: Vehicle Spawning, Vehicle Modification, Vehicle God Mode, etc.
*Wanted Options
Menu related to Police is here.
*Weapon Options
Everything related to the Weapon menu is here. Like: Weapon Spawning, Weapon Ammo, Unlimited Ammo, etc.
*Teleport Options
Teleport menu, well to make it easier for you to travel. you can easier to Waypoint, Spray Tags, Oysters, Horseshoes, Snapshot, etc.
*Mission Options
Make it easy for you to access all Missions and Mini Game.
*Time Options
Everything related to the Time menu is here. Like: Set Time, Set Weekday, Game Speed, etc.
*Weather Options
Yeah, set your Favorite Weather.
*Object Options
Map Creator, Object Spawning. Yeah, create your own Map.
*Misc Options
Several other menus are here. Like: MP3 Music Player, Water Modify, etc.
The Trainer setting center. Like: Theme, Menu Position, Language, etc.
Credits & Contributors:
1. Additional Local Variable - Source Form Ninja FTW
2. Train Never Derail - Memory Address Source From Santosh
3. Advanced Train Spawner - Memory Address Source From Ryosuke
4. Neon - Memory Address Source From Den_spb
5. Add-on Skin - Func Source From Fan Script & Ryosuke
6. Weapons Memory - Memory Address Source From Fan Script
7. FPS Limit Adjust & Remove 14ms Delay - Memory Address Source From Junior Djjr
8. Vehicle Model ID Checker - Func Source From Junior Djjr
9. Input DFF Vehicle Name - Func Source From Junior Djjr
10. Save Vehicle - Get Component Part Helped By Mikhail Kochitov (chell555)
11. Replay Disable - Memory Address Source From Junior Djjr
12. Water Reload - Func Source From Gold Fish
13. System Color Hack - Memory Address Source From Frouk
14. Spray Paint Location - From SA Helper
15. No Heat Effect & No Motion Blur - Memory Address Source From Junior Djjr
16. gtamods.com - Lots Of Memory Addresses Got There
17. MDR as Tester
don't forget give me +PLUS
RZL-Trainer v4.0.1
Это КЛЕО трейнер или чит-меню нового поколения. Надеюсь вы знаете зачем оно нужно. Пользовательский интерфейс сделан в стиле GTA 5. Состоит из целых 244-х тысяч строк кода. Конфигурационный .ini файл автоматически создаётся вместе с началом игры. Скрипт использует локальные переменные (от 0@ до 767@).
Минимальная версия CLEO — v4.4.0
На CLEO v4.3 и ниже будут баги
Что нового в версии 4.0.1?
- Исправлен баг с цветом покрасочной работы при загрузке сохранённого автомобиля
- Исправлен баг с текстом опции "Save current vehicle"
- Добавлено 30 слотом для сохранения и загрузки транспорта. Теперь их 60
Что нового в версии 4.0.0?
Эта версия — полный ремейк старого трейнера.
Добавлены абсолютно новые функции:
- Новые стили перемотки
- Спавнер адд-он скинов (Автоматическое сканирование архива "CLEOSkin.img")
- Спавнер адд-он педов (Автоматическое сканирование)
- Спавнер адд-он машин (Автоматическое сканирование)
- Спавнер адд-он оружия (Ручная настройка)
- Редактор внешнего вида игрока (Автоматическое сканирование)
- Инструмент для создания карт (Автоматическое сканирование объектов)
- Возможность ввести ID автомобиля или название DFF модели
- Тюнинг автомобилей (Автоматическое сканирование частей)
- Неоны на автомобили
- MP3 плеер
- Редактор воды
- Хак системных цветов
- Телепорт к значку 'N' на радаре [Экспериментальная функция]
- Поддержка переводов текста в формате *.ini. Теперь любой может стать переводчиком трейнера на свой родной язык. И да, вы можете делиться своим переводом с другими!.
- и куча всего ещё.
Справка: Адд-он (Add-On) — это скины/машины/пушки, не заменяющие стандартные модели. Они добавляются в игру как абсолютно новые.
Установить трейнер можете вручную или используя .exe установщик (на свой страх и риск)
Стандартная установка файла (.cs) осуществляется по пути: "GTA San Andreas/CLEO" с предварительно установленной библиотекой CLEO.
- С клавиатуры
F2 = Показать/Спрятать меню
Numpad 5/ Правый Shift = Выбрать
Numpad 0/ Backspace = Вернуться
Numpad 8/ Стрелка вверх = Вверх
Numpad 2/ Стрелка вниз = Вниз
Numpad 4/ Стрелка влево = Влево
Numpad 6/ Стрелка вправо = Вправо
Numpad 9/ Page Up = Подняться выше на целую страницу (если возможно)
Numpad 3/ Page Down = Опуститься ниже на целую страницу (если возможно)
- С контроллера
Удерживать R1 + Dpad влево = Показать меню
Dpad Right = Подтвердить
Dpad Left = Вернуться
Dpad Вверх = Вверх
Dpad Вниз = Вниз
Удерживать L1 + Левый Dpad = Влево
Удерживать L1 + Правый Dpad = Вправо
- Горячие клавиши
Alt+1 = Меню опций игрока
Alt+2 = Меню опций транспорта
Alt+3 = Меню опций розыска
Alt+4 = Меню оружия
Alt+5 = Меню телепорта
Alt+6 = Меню миссий
Alt+7 = Меню времени
Alt+8 = Меню погоды
Alt+9 = Меню объектов
Alt+0 = Меню прочих опций
Atl+Q = Аирбрейк
Atl+F = Выход из транспорта
Atl+T = Ввести название dff модели
Delete = Телепорт к маркеру
J = Телепорт в ближайший автомобиль
K = Телепорт пассажиром в ближайший автомобиль
' = Пройти сквозь преграду
] = Быстрое ускорение
[ = Быстрая остановка
*Опции игрока
Всё, что связано с игроком. Например: спавн, смена скина, режим бога и т. д.
*Опции транспорта
Всё, что связано с транспортом. Например: спавн транспортных средств, тюнинг и модификация транспортных средств, режим бога и т.д.
*Опции розыска
Меню, относящееся к полиции.
*Опции оружия
Всё, что связано с оружием, локализовано здесь. Как например: Спавн оружия, количество патронов, бесконечные патроны и.т.д.
*Опции телепорта
Меню телепорта. С его помощью вы сможете легко пробежаться по всем граффити, устрицам, подковам и снимкам. Ну и конечно же отправиться в любое место, куда вы захотите.
*Опции миссий
Быстрый доступ ко всем миссиям в игре, включая мини игры.
*Опции времени
Всё, что связано со временем. Установка времени, дня недели, игровой скорости и.т.д.
*Weather Options
Можете выставить тут свою любимую погоду.
*Опции объектов
Создатель карт, спавнер объектов. Да, вы можете создать свою собственную карту прямо в игре, и даже сохранить её.
*Прочие опции
Несколько более мелких меню находятся здесь. Как например: MP3 плеерr, редактор воды и.т.д.
Центр настройки трейнера под себя. Как например: тема, позиция меню, язык и.т.д.
Принимали участие в разработке:
(Вклад — Автор)
1. Добавочные локальные переменные — Исходник от Ninja FTW
2. Поезда никогда не сходят с рельс — Адреса памяти от Santosh
3. Расширенный спавнер поездов — Адрес памяти от Ryosuke
4. Неоны — Адрес памяти от Den_spb
5. Add-on скины — Исходник функции от Fan Script & Ryosuke
6. Add-on оружие — Адреса памяти от Fan Script
7. Расширение лимита FPS и Удаление 14-миллисекундной задержки — Адрес памяти от Junior Djjr
8. Чекер ID'а модели транспорта — Исходник функции от Junior Djjr
9. Ввод названия DFF модели транспорта — Исходник функции от Junior Djjr
10. Сохранение транспорта — Помог Mikhail Kochitov (chell555)
11. Отключение повтора — Адрес памяти от Junior Djjr
12. Перезагрузка воды — Исходник функции от Gold Fish
13. Взлом системных цветов — Адрес памяти от Frouk
14. Места закраски граффити — от SA Helper
15. Эффект "без жары" и отключение размытия в движении — Адрес памяти от Junior Djjr
16. gtamods.com — Куча адресов памяти была взята отсюда
17. Тестировал — MDR
Не забудьте поставить плюсик!
Обзор модификации
RZL-Trainer v4.0.1
This is a CLEO Trainer or Cheat Menu, i hope you understand. I made a UI like the one in GTA V. 244k lines of code have been written. The config *.ini file is automatically generated after the game is opened. The script fully uses local variables from 0@-767@ for now.
Need CLEO v4.4.0 above.
CLEO v4.3 below some feature have bug.
What's new on Version 4.0.1?
- load saved vehicle paintjob color bug fixed
- save current vehicle confirm text bug fixed
- add 30 slot save/load vehicle, now total slot is 60 on save/load vehicle
What's new on Version 4.0.0?
This Version fully Remake. The newest Advanced Feature is:
- New Scrolling Styles
- Add-on Skin Spawner (Auto Scan on "CleoSkin.img")
- Add-on Ped Spawner (Auto Scan)
- Add-on Vehicle Spawner (Auto Scan)
- Add-on Weapon Spawner (Manual Add on Config)
- Player Appearance (Auto Scan)
- Map Creator (Object Auto Scan)
- Input Vehicle ID
- Input Vehicle DFF Name
- Vehicle Modification (Part Auto Scan)
- Vehicle Neon Kits
- MP3 Music Player
- Water Modify
- System Color Hack
- Teleport to Radar 'N' [Experimental]
- Support External Language via *.ini file. Now anyone can become a Translator. Yeah, you can share your language to everyone.
- and many more.
- Keyboard Control
F2 = Show/Hide Menu
Numpad 5/ Right Shift = Accept
Numpad 0/ Backspace = Back
Numpad 8/ Arrow Up = Up
Numpad 2/ Arrow Down = Down
Numpad 4/ Arrow Left = Left
Numpad 6/ Arrow Right = Right
Numpad 9/ Page Up = Up 10/5 Line (If Possible)
Numpad 3/ Page Down = Down 10/5 Line (If Possible)
- Joypad Control
Hold R1 + Dpad Left = Show Menu
Dpad Right = Accept
Dpad Left = Back
Dpad Up = Up
Dpad Down = Down
Hold L1 + Dpad Left = Left
Hold L1 + Dpad Right = Right
- Shortcut Keyboard Control
Alt+1 = Player Options Menu
Alt+2 = Vehicle Options Menu
Alt+3 = Wanted Options Menu
Alt+4 = Weapon Options Menu
Alt+5 = Telepor Options Menu
Alt+6 = Mission Options Menu
Alt+7 = Time Options Menu
Alt+8 = Weather Options Menu
Alt+9 = Object Options Menu
Alt+0 = Misc Options Menu
Atl+Q = Air Break
Atl+F = Eject Form Vehicle
Atl+T = Input Vehicle Dff Name
Delete = Teleport To Marker
J = Teleport To Nearest Vehicle As Passenger
K = Teleport To Nearest Vehicle As Passenger
' = Go Through Door
] = Instant Speed Up
[ = Instant Stop.
*Player Options
Everything related to the Player menu is here. Like: Actor Spawning, Change Skin, Player God Mode, etc.
*Vehicle Options
Everything related to the Vehicle menu is here. Like: Vehicle Spawning, Vehicle Modification, Vehicle God Mode, etc.
*Wanted Options
Menu related to Police is here.
*Weapon Options
Everything related to the Weapon menu is here. Like: Weapon Spawning, Weapon Ammo, Unlimited Ammo, etc.
*Teleport Options
Teleport menu, well to make it easier for you to travel. you can easier to Waypoint, Spray Tags, Oysters, Horseshoes, Snapshot, etc.
*Mission Options
Make it easy for you to access all Missions and Mini Game.
*Time Options
Everything related to the Time menu is here. Like: Set Time, Set Weekday, Game Speed, etc.
*Weather Options
Yeah, set your Favorite Weather.
*Object Options
Map Creator, Object Spawning. Yeah, create your own Map.
*Misc Options
Several other menus are here. Like: MP3 Music Player, Water Modify, etc.
The Trainer setting center. Like: Theme, Menu Position, Language, etc.
Credits & Contributors:
1. Additional Local Variable — Source Form Ninja FTW
2. Train Never Derail — Memory Address Source From Santosh
3. Advanced Train Spawner — Memory Address Source From Ryosuke
4. Neon — Memory Address Source From Den_spb
5. Add-on Skin — Func Source From Fan Script & Ryosuke
6. Weapons Memory — Memory Address Source From Fan Script
7. FPS Limit Adjust & Remove 14ms Delay — Memory Address Source From Junior Djjr
8. Vehicle Model ID Checker — Func Source From Junior Djjr
9. Input DFF Vehicle Name — Func Source From Junior Djjr
10. Save Vehicle — Get Component Part Helped By Mikhail Kochitov (chell555)
11. Replay Disable — Memory Address Source From Junior Djjr
12. Water Reload — Func Source From Gold Fish
13. System Color Hack — Memory Address Source From Frouk
14. Spray Paint Location — From SA Helper
15. No Heat Effect & No Motion Blur — Memory Address Source From Junior Djjr
16. gtamods.com — Lots Of Memory Addresses Got There
17. MDR as Tester
don't forget give me +PLUS
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