There are many tables in this archive that will help you get CJ up and running in the shortest possible time (namely, from 5 to 15 game hours or from 5 to 15 real minutes). Here I will talk about each of the tables and how to use them
1. These are build-up programs from zero to maximum, which indicate the required number of dumbbell lifts, between which you need to leave the sphere until the dumbbells visually disappear in order to relieve your fatigue and start a new approach without the onset of fatigue, due to which it would be necessary to wait for the beginning of the next day . By doing all the sets as in the table and adhering to timely updates of fatigue - you will achieve the maximum exactly on the last dumbbell lift. Weight is indicated in Pounds, but in the Russian version of the game, the values in kilograms are exactly half as much.
2. The same build programs, but not from scratch, but from the start of the game (when CJ has starting 50 points at the beginning)
3. These fitness alerts are shown once and will not occur again even if you lose fitness completely and start training from the beginning. Each alert has its own code, which I marked with a color, so that in the following tables you can see at what dumbbell lift in a particular approach it will overtake us
4. A table of swing alerts and the moment of its appearance on a specific dumbbell lift in a specific approach, if you swing from zero to maximum, adhere to the correct swing and do not lift the last dumbbell lift so as not to get tired. Alerts are marked with color, which are indicated in the previous table
5. The same table of notifications about the buildup, but not from scratch, but from the start of the game (when CJ has starting 50 points at the beginning)
6. Table of the number of lifts and approaches from zero to the maximum buildup for each dumbbell weight.
7. The same table of the number of rises and approaches, but not from scratch, but from the start of the game (when CJ has starting 50 points at the beginning)
8. A method for calculating the utility factor of each dumbbell lift, which is based on the required number of lifts to move to the next conditional buildup level. Also shown is an example of using this equation
9. The same method for calculating the lifting utility factor, but in the example a different weight is used
10. INCORRECT lift efficiency table that I compiled from the values in the main.scm script with some logical errors and no non-progressive first dumbbell weight. Perhaps these are beta values or a draft that is not used in the game, or the game's math recalculates the numbers differently, as a result of which we get the real values \u200b\u200bthat we see in the following table
Video that demonstrates the use of tables