[RUS] Retro-futuristic Chita in a wide body. 80s Outrun style. Chita, Testarossa and Cuadra in one bottle.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- VehFuncs are NECESSARY if you do not want to see 3 types of wheels and mirrors at once.
What's changed: - Body extension made - The collision is adapted for a wide body - New wheels - Tinted glass - Replaced headlights - New mirrors - New interior (its individual parts change their color, the speedometer lights up (but unfortunately does not work)) - ENV reflections of the entire body and wheel elements (reflections depend on SkyGFX settings, if you are using it, of course) - Improved LOD - Compatible with Downforce mod - and a bunch of small changes that I didn't even remember
Features of VehFuncs: - Working steering wheel - The brake pads move with the wheels - Working wipers in the rain - Extra wheels (3 options) - Extra mirrors (2 options)
[ENG] Widebody retro futuristic look of Cheetah. 80's Outrun-ish look. Combination of Cheetah, Testarossa and Quadra.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- VehFuncs REQUIRED - unless you're fine driving with 3 wheel models and 3 mirrors simultaneously spawned
Modified: - Widebody - Collisions adjusted for widebody - New wheels - Tinted glass - Replacement of front and rear lights - New mirrors - New interior (parts of interior change color along with secondary color, speedometer lights up, (unfortunately dials arent functional)) - ENV reflection on the whole body and parts of the wheel (the look of reflection depends on settings of SkyGFX, if u use it that is) - Better LOD model - Compatible with downforce mod - and a lot more of small changes that i can't remember
VehFuncs features: - Working steering wheel - Brake callipers move in the direction of wheels - Working window wipers in the rain - Extra wheels (3 variatons) - Extra mirrors (2 variations)