Improved S.W.A.T. Van

Improved S.W.A.T. from Calvin.linardi.
Special thanks to:
- Rockstar Games for game assets
- Thunderhead / bretonGeaser for the engine model
- XG417 for testing
- And to all the people on the Discord Server
- Fully detailed interior and engine.
- New animations for climbing inside.
- Small adaptation to VehFuncs.
- Etc.
Model and textures are not locked! You can edit them, but please let me know before you decide to post the edited mod. Well, or at least list me and other people as authors!
Visit my workshop at GTAForums. You will find more of my mods there!
-Improved S.W.A.T. Van-
By: Calvin.linardi
Special thanks to:
- Rockstar games for assets.
- Thunderhead / bretonGeaser for the engine models.
- XG417 for testing.
- And everyone on the warehouse discord server.
Improved GTA SA Swatvan with more detail.
- Fully 3d Interior with engine bay.
- New entering animations.
- Small Vehfuncs adaptation.
- and more unlisted.
Source are unlocked, but please contact me if you want to do anything with this mod or at least credited me and other contributors!
Visit my workshop on GTA FORUMS for more !!!
Улучшенный броневик S.W.A.T. от Calvin.linardi.
Особые благодарности:
- Rockstar Games за игровые ассеты
- Thunderhead / bretonGeaser за модель двигателя
- XG417 за тестирование
- И всем людям с Дискорд-сервера
- Полностью проработанный интерьер и двигатель.
- Новые анимации залезания внутрь.
- Небольшая адаптация к VehFuncs.
- И прочее.
Модель и текстуры не заблокированы! Вы можете их редактировать, но пожалуйста, оповестите меня перед тем, как решите опубликовать отредактированный мод. Ну или как минимум укажите меня и других людей в авторах!
Посетите мою мастерскую на GTAForums. Там вы найдёте больше моих модов!
--Improved S.W.A.T. Van--
By: Calvin.linardi
Special thanks to:
- Rockstar games for assets.
- Thunderhead / bretonGeaser for the engine models.
- XG417 for testing.
- And everyone on the warehouse discord server.
Improved GTA SA Swatvan with more detail.
- Fully 3d Interior with engine bay.
- New entering animations.
- Small Vehfuncs adaptation.
- and more unlisted.
Source are unlocked, but please contact me if you want to do anything with this mod or at least credited me and other contributors!
Visit my workshop on GTA FORUMS for more!!!
Support the author
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