then a new thematic assembly on the theme of popular anime, manga and games - Initial Di. The assembly includes 44 light cars in the style of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, which are suitable for both low-end computers and medium and powerful PCs. In addition, there are sounds, sorting by drive and the ability to open blind (pop-up) headlights. The pack is not finished yet, because I have lost the desire to finish it further, but this does not exclude the possibility that in the future there may be an update that will correct the jambs of this assembly. Karpak weighs only 50MB, not including sounds and auxiliary files. You can download it and enjoy selected Japanese cars now.
Installation: 1. Install GTA San Andreas (preferably clean) (if installed, go to the next step); 2. 3. Install ModLoader: copy the modloader folder and the modloader.asi file to the root folder with the game (if installed, go to the next step); 4. Install SAMP (if installed, go to the next step); 5. Install the karpak itself: copy all files from the SA directory folder to the root folder with the game, confirming all replacements.
Additionally: In order to install the "arrow", you need to: copy the CLEO folder from the Arrow folder and paste it into the root folder of the game. Right mouse button control.
The archive also contains two ReadMes in two languages, which describe the names, their replacement models, their IDs, as well as a text file with all the authors and screenshots in the best quality.
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