Plot: A young time traveler will find herself in a world destroyed by a nuclear war. There she tries to find a way to return to the past, in order to then correct the events that led to tragic consequences for all mankind.
Words from the author: All dystopias reliably or not very much show how destructive the human tendency to self-destruction can be, and how deeply, give it free rein, it can plunge everyone into chaos. The project was created from a mixture of genres such as science fiction, action and adventure. The plot intertwined the themes of post-apocalypse and alternative realities. They all have one thing in common: the darkest context possible.
Additional information: — The creator of the original missions is the English-speaking userTHBP (The Half-Blood Prince)Oleg Krasko. — For correct display of text in missions, I recommend setting localization by SanLTD, and after it crack DYOM v.2 - Don't forget to install the script from the CLEO folder.