Bravado Blister 1992 Edition (v2.0) [SA-Styled]

==SA-Style Bravado Blister ALL-IN-ONE==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v2.0
- [NEW] SA Style Reflections
- [NEW] There are versions with adaptation for VehFuncs and without
- [NEW] There is a version converted to Airport Shuttle
- SA style minivan based on the second generation Dodge Caravan (1991-1995)
- The model is completely made from scratch!
- The body is painted in 2 colors. The archive also has versions that are painted in only one color.
- Custom handling settings
- Custom colors
- SA style numbers
- There are versions for both replacing and adding new vehicles
- GTA San Andreas (obviously)
- Modloader (required)
- VehFuncs(only for versions adapted for VehFuncs)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (only for versions that add vehicles without replacement)
>>List of changes:
-2.0 - New, improved and refined model that looks less awkward than the first versions.
- Remapped some parts
- Added SA style reflections
- New engine model
- Added two new extras (new roof bars and higher roof)
-1.01 - Added missing Cleo_text folder (to show car name) which I forgot to add to archive
-1.0 - Release
> R* - For a wonderful gift to the whole world, for GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Your obedient servant, the creator of this mod
> Junior_Djjr - For the VehFuncs plugin and a great tutorial on adding a new vehicle without replacing
> Calvin.linardi, savidge, and 2ceevee - For model testing and feedback
> To the people on the C&S Discord Server - For helping me make my very first mod! Thanks guys!
==SA-Style Bravado Blister ALL-IN-ONE==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v2.0
-[NEW] SA-Style Reflections
-[NEW] VehFuncs and Non-VehFuncs Versions available
-[NEW] Airport Shuttle Variant
-SA-Styled Minivan based on the Second Generation Dodge Caravan (1991-1995)
-Model completely made from scratch!
-Two-tone chassis, allowing for both Monotone and Two-Tone variants
-Custom Handling
-Custom Colors
-SA License Plates
-Replacer and Added Versions available
- GTA San Andreas (Obviously)
- Modloader (Required)
- VehFuncs(for VehFuncs ver.)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (for Added ver.)
-2.0 - A new, improved and touched-up model to look less awkward
- Remapped some parts
- Added SA Reflections
- New, more detailed interior
- New engine model
- 2 new extras added (new roof racks and and extended roof)
-1.01 - Added missing Cleo_text folder (for the Car Name) that I forgot to pack in
-1.0 - Release
> XG417 - Yours Truly, creator of this mod
> Junior_Djjr - For VehFuncs and that epic tutorial on adding without replacing Vehicles
> Calvin.linardi, savidge, and 2ceevee - For testing out the mod and giving feedback
> The People at the C&S Discord Server - For helping me realize my first mod ever! Thanks guys!
==SA-Style Bravado Blister ALL-IN-ONE==
=== Автор: XG417 ===
Версия: v2.0
- [NEW] Отражения в стиле SA
- [NEW] Имеются версии с адаптацией под VehFuncs и без
- [NEW] Имеется версия, переделанная под шаттл аэропорта
- Минивэн в SA стиле, основанный на втором поколении Dodge Caravan (1991-1995)
- Модель полностью сделана с нуля!
- Кузов красится в 2 цвета. В архиве также есть версии, которые красятся лишь в один цвет.
- Свои настройки handling
- Свои цвета
- Номера в стиле SA
- Есть версии как для замены, так и для добавления нового транспорта
- GTA San Andreas (очевидно)
- Modloader (обязателен)
- VehFuncs (только для версий, адаптированных под VehFuncs)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (только для версий, которые добавляют транспорт без замены)
>>Список изменений:
-2.0 - Новая, улучшенная и доработанная модель, которая выглядит менее неловко, по сравнению с первыми версиями.
- Remapped some parts
- Добавлены отражения в стиле SA
- Новый, более детализированный интерьер
- Новая модель двигателя
- Добавлены две новые экстры (новые решётки на крышу и более высокая крыша)
-1.01 - Добавлена отсутствующая папка Cleo_text (чтобы отображалось название машины), которую я забыл добавить в архив
-1.0 - Релиз
> R* - За замечательный подарок всему миру, за GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Ваш покорный слуга, создатель этого мода
> Junior_Djjr - За плагин VehFuncs и замечательный туториал по добавлению нового транспорта без замены
> Calvin.linardi, savidge, and 2ceevee - За тестирование моделей и фидбэк
> Людям с Дискорд-сервера C&S - За помощь в создании моего самого первого мода! Спасибо, ребята!
==SA-Style Bravado Blister ALL-IN-ONE==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v2.0
-[NEW] SA-Style Reflections
-[NEW] VehFuncs and Non-VehFuncs Versions available
-[NEW] Airport Shuttle Variant
-SA-Styled Minivan based on the Second Generation Dodge Caravan (1991-1995)
-Model completely made from scratch!
-Two-tone chassis, allowing for both Monotone and Two-Tone variants
-Custom Handling
-Custom Colors
-SA License Plates
-Replacer and Added Versions available
- GTA San Andreas (Obviously)
- Modloader (Required)
- VehFuncs (for VehFuncs ver.)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (for Added ver.)
-2.0 - A new, improved and touched-up model to look less awkward
- Remapped some parts
- Added SA Reflections
- New, more detailed interior
- New engine model
- 2 new extras added (new roof racks and and extended roof)
-1.01 - Added missing Cleo_text folder (for the Car Name) that I forgot to pack in
-1.0 - Release
> R* - For the gift of the gods that is GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Yours Truly, creator of this mod
> Junior_Djjr - For VehFuncs and that epic tutorial on adding without replacing Vehicles
> Calvin.linardi, savidge, and 2ceevee - For testing out the mod and giving feedback
> The People at the C&S Discord Server - For helping me realize my first mod ever! Thanks guys!
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