Thanks to this file, you will no longer see strange scribbles instead of letters in GTA:SA GXT files. You will be able to write freely in Russian without using any translators.
Changes in v2: - Added file compatible with crack from 1C.
To make it work, you first need to download X GXT Editor from the official site, or from
Installation: 1. Download the archive. 2. Open the root folder X GXT Editor. 3. Open the fonts folder. 4. We throw the downloaded russian file there. If you have a localization from 1C, then we transfer the file from the "Localization 1C" folder, if from the SanLTD Team, then the file from the "Localization SanLTD Team" folder. 5. Launch X GXT Editor. 6. Select "Characters Sets" from the toolbar. 7. In the window that appears, select "Sets". 8. In another window that appears, select russain. If it doesn't work, then restart the program.