Skin de Piers Nivans (Javo) from Resident Evil 6
The author of this skin is RIV The killer. He's not a very well-known creator of GTA skins... And he's pretty good at it. By the way, he is Spanish and speaks only his native language.
This skin is very hard to find on the Internet, so I post it here.
You can go to his YouTube channel from the video below.
You can evaluate the quality of the skin yourself from the screenshots.
The original creator of this skin is the user RIV The killer. He is a little creator of skins for the gta ( he only speaks spanish) and he have a good talent.
This skin its very hard to found so i want to share this skin whit you.
The youtube chanel of the creator of this skins are the next.
Автор этого скина — RIV The killer. Он не очень известный создатель скинов для GTA... И у него неплохо получается. Кстати, он испанец и говорит только на своём родном языке.
Этот скин очень тяжело найти в интернете, поэтому я выкладываю его здесь.
На его ютуб-канал вы можете перейти с ниже прикреплённого видео.
Качество скина вы можете оценить самостоятельно по скриншотам.
The original creator of this skin is the user RIV The killer. He is a little creator of skins for the gta ( he only speaks spanish) and he have a good talent.
This skin its very hard to found so i want share this skin whit you.
The youtube chanel of the creator of this skins are the next.
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