Plot: The main character, farmer Alester, lives with his wife Leah in the small desert town of Las Barrancas, in a house on a small mountain overlooking the city. When the corrupt mayor of the city, Ronald Hartfull, tries to seize almost all of Alester's property - the house, the auto repair shop and his own lands, setting a ransom amount of $ 10 thousand (which does not allow you to buy housing in the city), the protagonist resorts to the help of an old army friend, Adrian Woods, now respected lawyer. This is the second part of this project. Skin authors: Victor, werffgdls;
Installation: Place the SD folder in GTA San Andreas User Files; Place the CLEO folder in the game folder. Place the modloader folder and modloader.asi, sa_widescreenfix_lite.asi files in the root folder with the game.
Note: before the last mission it is recommended to restart DYOM to play afx audio.