GTA 5 Old-gen Icons - Old icons
Weapon icons in GTA V paste-gene style.
Icon list:
Ak-47 - ak-47 from GTA IV
Tec-9 - tec-9 from GTA V
Sniper - Sniper rifle from GTA IV
Sawn-off - Shotgun from GTA V Models
Katana - Katana
To use them, you need a GTA 5 HUD.
Install icons in GTAVHud_by_DK22Pac\weapon\weapons
Weapon icons in the old-gen GTA5 style. They were made for the following weapon models:
Ak-47 - ak-47 GTAIV Models
Tec-9 - tec-9 GTAV Models
Sniper - sniper rifle GTAIV Models
Sawn-off - Double Barrel Shotgun GTAV Models
Katana - all
Иконки оружия в стиле паст-гена GTA V.
Список иконок:
Ak-47 - ak-47 из GTA IV
Tec-9 - tec-9 из GTA V
Sniper - Снайперская винтовка из GTA IV
Sawn-off - Двустволка из GTA V Models
Katana - Катана
Для их использования нужен HUD GTA 5.
Устанавливать иконки в директорию GTAVHud_by_DK22Pac\\weapon\\weapons
Weapon icons in the old-gen GTA5 style. They were made for the following weapon models:
Ak-47 - ak-47 GTAIV Models
Tec-9 - tec-9 GTAV Models
Sniper - sniper rifle GTAIV Models
Sawn-off - Double Barrel Shotgun GTAV Models
Katana - all
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