Do you like to play with prostitutes? Are the sessions too fast and short? This mod will allow you to control how the prostitutes shake your car while they do their job...
How to use:
Find a car;
Pick up a prostitute;
Park in a secluded place;
Press (and/or hold) INSERT. Don't start riding (this will trigger the "Stop wasting my time" dialog in SA).
Click INSERT twice to speed up the process;
Make sure the car you are in is not badly damaged;
Press END to end the session immediately;
Press and hold CTRL and then INSERT to have the hooker shake you.
Make sure you have ASI Loader installed;
Copy the .asi file to the game root or scripts folder.
The INSERT key sometimes gets stuck when pressing Alt-Tab in game;
The mod conflicts with SilentPatch, prostitutes are silent with it.