Criminal number 1
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28 July 2010
GTA San Andreas

GTA: Criminal Russia - Patch for demo 0.1.5
A patch that corrects errors in the full demo version of GTA: Criminal Russia Demo v.0.1.5 Special Edition. In particular, it fixes a glitch with textures on the AVIA car, settings for the LAZ-699R and LiAZ-Minutka buses, adds an updated version of...
10 March 2010
GTA San Andreas

DYOM 5 for GTA: Criminal Russia
This DYOM modification is intended exclusively for ORM GTA: Criminal Russia beta version Build 003 03/24/09 for normal operation you need the CLEO library Of course, GTA Criminal Russia should be a mod that changes the entire state of GTA San And...
28 July 2010
GTA San Andreas

GTA Criminal Russia beta 2 v0.5 build 031
Did you like the previous version of the mod, its features and freedom of action? But would you like something else? New? Native? Then you need to plunge into the world of GTA Criminal Russia beta 2. Fashion events are taking place today. In this ...
12 October 2010
GTA San Andreas

New Numbers
Maud divides San Andreas into two states - California and Nevada (just like in real life). Now each state has its own numbers (see screenshot). There are also visitors.
17 November 2010
GTA San Andreas

C.O.D. for GTA Criminal Russia
Mod for GTA ORM: Criminal Russia. In this mod, you will play as Ghost, who will be entrusted with the task of clearing the area from terrorists. There are 3 missions in total in the mod (these are not DYOM missions, but normal CLEO missions). How ...
4 April 2011
GTA San Andreas

Criminal Russia Multiplayer
SAMP for GTA Criminal Russia beta 2 v0.5 build 031.
4 January 2012
GTA San Andreas

Ready RP server - GTA Criminal Russia
This server is for GTA San Adnreas Game "Criminal Russia" is GTA San Andreas (with mods). It is ready, you just need to configure the "server" file in notepad. I wish you a good game! This is the same San Andreas, just stuffed with mods.
8 January 2012
GTA San Andreas

New car numbers
Decided to make a texture mod. I climbed the site and found only 2 mods for changing numbers and decided to make my own. Before installation, create a copy of the standard file Installation: throw vehicle.txd into the models/generic folder After unpa...
25 August 2012
GTA San Andreas

Full pack of CIS numbers
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30 November 2012
GTA San Andreas

GTA Criminal Russia Saves Folder
This edited gta_sa.exe allows you to save custom game files (saves, gallery, user music and game settings configuration) to a new separate folder - " GTA Criminal Russia Saves ". This allows, firstly, to distance the saves of one global mod from the ...
5 April 2013
GTA San Andreas

Confrontation: task number 1
You work for a criminal group called Russian mafia . And the Thief in Law gives you the first task: to help the brothers in the warehouse in a shootout with the Italians. There are 3 mafia based in the city: Russian mafia, Italian and Yakuza. And y...
17 April 2013
GTA San Andreas

DFM for GTA Criminal Russia beta 2
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28 July 2013
GTA San Andreas

Law of the criminal world
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15 August 2013
GTA San Andreas

Criminal City II trailer [DYOM]
First trailer for my upcoming DYOM project. The second part will be more ambitious, because we will play not for one, but for three main characters at once! Details.. . Criminal City (part one) {video_views_5Y0kF7ax_J...
16 August 2013
GTA San Andreas

Criminal City II
Criminal City II will be larger than the first part, because there will be not one, but three main characters at once! The plot for Frank: Frank killed a major gangster a year ago (Details in the project "On the way to correction ..."). After that, ...
Comments 15