GAZ 3309 Truck Tractor
The GAZ 3309, also known as the GAZon, is one of the most popular medium-duty
trucks in the expanses of the former USSR. This is due not only to an affordable price, but also to high reliability.
At many enterprises, GAZ 3309 and special equipment made on its chassis have been successfully serving for many years,
without requiring expensive maintenance. The difference between GAZ 3309 and model 3307 is the MMZ-245 diesel engine with a power of
117 HP The most common flatbed version of the truck, the body of which has folding sides and allows
fix the awning. The carrying capacity of the GAZ-3309 is 4 tons, and the volume of the body can vary depending on
modifications. For example, there are modifications with an extended chassis, with increased height of the sides, etc.
Modern GAZ 3309 models differ from older versions in the presence of ABS and power steering. Except
In addition, their engine complies with the Euro-3 standard in force in Russia at the moment.
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