Original Model: Turn10 Studios (Forza Motorsport 7) Modification to the normal version of the car: Shady311, Avant Dorestyle makeover: Avant US-Spec remake: Avant Screenshots by: Maxim Balach Wheel designer: Andrew Konaevskiy, Turn10 Studios (Forza Motorsport 4), LTU Customs, Avant Some car parts: Shady311, StratenSurf/533, Ramon_Cube, Avant, THQ (Juiced 2) Envelope in GTA SA, refinement of the model and adaptation: Avant
Model to replace: Sunrise
Thanks a lot: StratenSurf - for tips, some details, help in finding bugs and testing the ! model! Mad_Driver - for helping me find bugs and testing the ! model! maksimys300 - for help in finding bugs and testing the ! model! Shady311 - for editing the body geometry, helping and modeling parts Andrew Konaevskiy - for modeling the factory wheels for the car rush58 - for tips and ideas for extras Maxim Balach - for the screenshots of the model, testing the