Another powerful visual vehicle spawner with a wide range of options that can be controlled with the mouse. To open and close the menu, press W + U.
Adding new vehicles. To add new vehicles go to moonloaderresourcecall vehicle by image. Add your picture with a resolution of 204x125 and a title, for example, "613.jpg". Now open the file "_extras.txt" and enter the number there.
Adding a model to favorites. Right click on the model name and select "Add to favorites". Or, holding down the F key, click on the picture with the model you like.
Smart search. You can find the model you need by entering the name in the search box. For example, if you enter "xi", "taxi" will be found. The ability to rename vehicles directly in the game. Right click on the model name and click on "Rename vehicle", and enter a new name for the model.
Ability to spawn inside the car. If you are inside a car and decide to spawn a new one, the current car will automatically be replaced with a new one.