The script will allow you to open and close car windows. This mod doesn't raise or lower them, the windows just disappear and reappear. This function is present in the .exe file of the game, it simply "erases" the alpha (transparency) of the door, because of this it seems that the glass is missing.
PageUp = close window PageDown = open glass Num7 = Front Left Glass Num9 = Front Right Glass Num1 = Rear Left Window Num3 = Rear Right Window
For example: PageDown+Num9 = open front left window
Alternative control (suitable for laptops):
PageUp = close window PageDown = open glass 6 = front left glass 8 = front right glass Y = rear left window I = rear right window
For example: PageUp+Y = close rear left window
The script works with all original car models in the game, but may not work with others.