The script that allows you to plant a bomb is as old as scripting itself in GTA SA. So why do we need another such script? How is it different from everything that has been created before? And the fact that here you do not have to wait for one bomb to explode in order to plant the next.
There are two types of bombs.
When CJ is not in the car, press and hold Z to plant a remote controlled bomb. You can plant many bombs, and only when you press the button on the detonator will they all explode at the same time. Be careful - the explosion will be big.
When CJ is in the car, also press Z, but you do not need to hold. A time bomb will appear under the car and explode in a second and a half, so make sure you drive to a safe distance. If you drive and hold Z, the beans will appear continuously, and now let the cops try to catch up with you.
The CLEO folder from the archive with all the files is simply put in the game folder.