As the name suggests, the author's goal was to create a new skybox mod for GTA SA that works correctly without broken scripts and bugs, as was the case with old skybox mods. The idea behind this mod is to use a 3D textured sky model with real clouds and add a starry night sky to make the game's sky a little more realistic and beautiful.
- Adapted scaling: based on the current draw distance, the skybox will rescale itself so you don't have holes in the sky or clouds blocking your view - Weather and location: sky textures will change depending on the weather and your location - Smooth sky change - Z rotation - Ability to use your own IDs - Auto Delete: If you get too close to the save pickup, the sky will be deleted and will be created when you move away from the pickup. This way the objects won't get "stuck" in the save.
- Modloader - Open limit adjuster - NewOpcodes.cleo
Installing only via Modloader.
- If the clouds/stars are too close to you, increase the draw distance (Project 2dfx is a good choice) - If it lags it's ok, but you can open the textures with MagicTXD and reduce the size to 1024x1024 - If there are bugs with clouds, then use SkyGfx with DualPass enabled (put 1 in .ini file) or SilentPatch with TwoPassRendering (1 or 2 in .ini file) - If you are using mods that change night time, then adjust the NightStartsAt parameter in BetterSkybox.ini.