[lua] 2DFX - creating light sources
2DFX is a lua script that allows you to easily create light sources in the game. The creation of light sources is carried out through the INI file.
This script is an improved version of my first script.
As an example, the light sources in the bar are registered. (see screenshot)
- creating a corona of light
- creating a projection of light under the crown
- creating the effect of lighting vehicles and characters
- setting the mode of the light source
- there is no need to number the sections in the ini file in order, the script iterates over sections with numbers 1...9999
Installation: Copy the moonloader folder to the game directory.
INI file setting:
[1] -- Section number. The script reads sections with numbers 1...9999. You can number non-sequentially, as well as with omissions of some numbers. Please note that there should not be several sections with the same number.
X=511.64 -- x coordinate
Y=-85.2194 -- y coordinate
R=64 -- Red 0...255
G=192 -- Green 0...255
B=128 -- Blue 0...255
Dist=20 -- The distance at which the light source will be drawn. (limitation is made to prevent lag. For example: there is no need to draw a light source from huge distances that is in the house. It can only be drawn when the player is nearby)
CoronaRadius=0.4 -- Corona radius
CoronaType=1 -- Type of crown
LightRadius=5.5 -- Player light radius and vehicles
ProjectionRadius=1.5 -- Projection radius
ProjectionAmount=0.1 -- Projection gain (recommended value is 0....0.6 so that the projection is not too bright)
Nightonly=true -- If set to true, then the light will only be on at night. Otherwise, the light will be permanent.
Possible simplifications:
If you do not specify CoronaRadius or CoronaType, then the crown will not be displayed
If you do not specify LightRadius, then there will be no lighting for characters and vehicles
If you do not specify ProjectionRadius or ProjectionAmount, then there will be no projection.
fast and easy
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