LP DYOM #57 Kolda Modern Warfare 3 - REVIEW
Hi all! And we start with a first look at Modern Warfare 3 for GTA SA. Issue 57.
Enjoy watching!
Project from user: MasterDYOM.
Project download link: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
Mission Description: The United States is trying to prevent a surprise attack by the Russians who landed troops in Manhattan. During several missions we will visit the cities of Dharamsala (India), London (England), Mogadishu (Somalia), Hamburg and Berlin (Germany), Paris (France), Prague (Czech Republic), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), New York and Washington (USA). In addition, we will visit the Kremlin, the plane of the President of Russia, a castle lost in the Czech mountains, and a small town in the middle of the African Republic of Sierra Leone.
Goes to install:
1 Readme.
2. In a separate folder is an additional mission.
P.S. DYOM 8.1 from Mephisto has also been added.