Title: Summon Bloodra from tuning Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod adds the ability to summon a Bloodra car with tuning. ...
Ultra Realistic Graphic For Android GTA SA! Almost all configuration settings related to game graphics have been changed. Customized color gamut and sharpness. It is recommended to install the modification on pow...
HD Water No Import for mobile GTA SA! This mod will change the basic water textures to HD, instead of the standard ones! The color of the water will also change! The mod is demanding on the device! ...
PUBG All Weapons for Android & PC for GTA SA: Mobile. Features: - Qualitative models; - High-quality envelope; - Good textures. Cons: - Not all weapons lie correctly in the hands. Have a nice game! ...
!!!ATTENTION!!! 1) Distributing the mod on other sites without the permission of the author is prohibited! 2) The original game (cache in obb) is not needed. 3)Settings are initially lowered, after the first launch of the game you can increase them....