Title: Player texture by IDJEI (1.0) Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move the player folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/texdb. Description: The mod replaces/improves some of the clothes that can be foun...
Features: All roads have been replaced; High-quality textures in HQ format. Installation: Install TXDFucker; Open TXDFucker and find gta3 files; Select and import all files; Wait for loading to finish ...
This mod will replace the standard menu in GTA San Andreas (Android) with a new one. Changed loading screens, icons and more. Everything is in the style of our favorite GTA-shki) To install, move the "menu" folder to Android/data/com.rockstargames.gt...
Features: Replaced absolutely all roads in the state (in all 3 cities and their environs). High-quality textures of roads and curbs. Installation: 1) Download and extract the archive to your computer 2) Install all textures in the gta3 folder using ...