Updated Ambients
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23 June 202401project-ambience-waiting_1719117369_718848.7z
This modification updates the old original ambient to new, more recent ambient such as:
- Stadium Song (Two Tribes Comin' Atcha Live, Cars, God Blessed Video);
- Casino Song (Remember);
- Lowrider Band Mission (Traigo De Todo, Pueblo Latino, I Love Living In The City, Self Control );
- Mission to a beach party (I Love Living In The City, Don't Hold Back);
- Riot in Los Santos;
- Club Song (Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Video Killed The Radio, StarKnock On Wood, Shake It, Don't Hold Back);
- Strip Club Song (Automatic, Dance Hall Days).
Updated mission fulfillment soundfiles:
- Side Mission Pass to A Self Control song;
- Backing Beat 1 (all by Cleoude);
- End credits song (In The City, Self Control).
Some new stuff:
- New alarm in Area 69;
- New cop speech when you get caught in the LSPD garage in Pershing Square (need backup).
- Unzip via ZIP/7-ZIP;
- Select the file you need;
- Then click the "Cut/Copy" button;
- Then go to Android/Data/Com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/audio;
- Place SCRIPT.osw in SFX (don't forget to specify Idx);
- Place AMBIENCE.osw, BEATS (remember to specify Idx To).
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Allowed only with the author's attribution
Is it allowed to use the developments, components, or assets presented in this file to create your own files?
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