Updated Better Call Saul billboards
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28.98 Mb
Total downloads: 83
Unique downloads: 75
13 May 2024obnovlennye-reklamnye-shhity-better_1715576330_414829.zip
Better Call Saul Billboards For GTA SA Android
This modification, will add new billboards to the game.
- High quality textures;
- Replaced many billboards.
Enjoy the game.
Guides for installing mods
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13 August 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Missions from Call of Duty
Call Of Duty Cleo Mission For Android GTA SA! This mod will add long and interesting missions in the style of Call Of Duty!
26 September 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Call the medics like in GTA 5
Call An Ambulance Like In GTA V Now you can call doctors anywhere in the state, as in GTA 5. Activation through the CLEO Menu.
26 September 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Call the fire department like in GTA 5
Call Firetruck Mod Like in GTA 5 Features: Now you can call firefighters anywhere in the state, as in GTA 5. Activation through the CLEO Menu.
18 October 2021
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

FBI call
Call the FBI for Mobile This script will call the FBI for reinforcement. Activation: through the CLEO-Menu, and then press "1 and 8".

8 kB
24 September 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New billboards
New Billboards with LMRR, Everlasting Summer and Fortnite themes This modification updates some billboard textures. Features: Good textures; No mistakes. Have a nice game.

1 MB
17 January 2025
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Updated visuals in the style of GTA 5
This graphics mod significantly improves the visual component of GTA San Andreas. It enhances the game's graphics quality, making it more immersive and aesthetically pleasing. Features: Improved textures and graphics for a better gaming experie...
5 October 2015
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Call friends for help(Android)
Ability to call friends for help 1.0 Description: Now you can call the retinue, engine and rider to help WARNING: Do not start a new game with the mod, or it will crash! P.S. I noticed one bug, the "Family" icon disappears from Ryder when you call hi...
8 October 2015
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Call friends for help 1.1(Android)
Call friends for help 1.1 Description: Now you can call for the help of the retinue, engine and rider. Changes: Now when you call a friend, the rider icon does not disappear. Now the script works properly if you start a new game with it, and it doesn...
12 March 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Taxi call like in GTA 5
Call Taxi Like GTA 5 for mobile GTA SA! This mod will allow you to call a taxi by phone, just like it was in GTA 5! To activate the mod press: 2+1
15 August 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Billboards from GTA 5
GTA V Billboards for Mobile. Features: - Good quality textures; - High-quality envelope. Have a good game!

17 MB
22 August 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Airstrike call
Airstrike Call for Android GTA SA! Call in a lethal airstrike by throwing tear gas at your location, watch out, run away, it will be lethal and kill you instantly if you get hit.
7 October 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Skin from Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call Of Duty Ghost Skin For Mobile for GTA San Andreas Mobile. Features: - Qualitative model; - Full skeletal animation. Have a good game!
7 May 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New billboards (billboards)
New Billboard (Mobile Ver) This modification replaces billboards throughout the state. Textures are of good quality.

34 MB
12 June 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Call Big Bear for help
This script makes it possible to call the Big Bear for help. You can find it on Grove Street, near the Binco store. CJ comes up, greets him (there is a soundtrack), asks him for help, and the Big Bear, of course, cannot refuse him, immediately settin...

6 kB
14 June 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Ganton Update
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26 kB
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