A parachute for the bike
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27 February 2024parashjut-dlja-bajjka_1709028149_310079.zip
Parachute On Bike
With this script, you will be able to use the parachute on the bike.
\"1 + 7\" — Activation/Deactivation.
Enjoy the game.
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6 August 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Collection of useful scripts for the machine
Vehicle Cleo Scripts Pack For Mobile In this collection, you will find useful scripts for the machine, namely: - Script for autopilot; - Cars no longer roll over; - Change the color of the car; - Speedometer; - Open and close doors, trunk, hood; - ...
20 January 2021
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Parachute for transport
Cleo Vehicles with Parachute You will now be able to activate the parachute for your vehicle. To do this, press "1" and "7".
28 December 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Improved textures for the bar "Lil' Probe'Inn"
Ufo Bar Textures mobile Features: - Improved plate textures; - Improved title textures; - Improved wall textures; - Improved roof textures; - New bar counter textures; - New textures for the goods; - Improved UFO photo textures; - Improved map in...

28 MB
13 December 2018
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Clinton Residence (GTA V PC Textures) - New textures for the Clinton residence
Clinton Residence (GTA V PC Textures) - New textures for the Clinton residence. High quality textures from GTA 5.
8 MB
14 September 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Rancher for the hunt
Hello. About cars: I won't say much. A little decorated the good old Rancher. Added foglights and rounded wheels. Support for the main functions of the game. Fits perfectly into the game, in my opinion. Round wheel authors: Rikintosh, Elyzandro, J...
107 kB
25 July 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New textures for "The Crow Bar"
Maud replaces the textures for the bar in Las Venturas. Features: - Textures are not of poor quality; - Look at the game.

2 MB
1 August 2023
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

"Wasted" translations for the mobile version
Hello! I am glad to present to you the ports of the most famous "wasted" translations for the mobile platform, namely: Translation from the "XXI century" team - the first translation into Russian for GTA San Andreas, made in 2005. The text was t...
18 September 2024
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Playing for the Triads
Play As Triada Side for Mobile This modification, will allow you to play for the Triads. Features: Standard models and textures; Replaced cut-scenes; Low weight. Enjoy the game.
21 January 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Female skin for the main character
Awesome Female Player UPD 02 for mobile GTA SA! Features: - Full skeletal animation. - HD quality textures - The correct position of the weapon in the hands of Includes: - Mask - Miniskirt - Nude Mode - A lot of clothes
7 February 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Animations for the main character from GTA Vice City
GTA Vice City Animation for San Android This mod will change the standard animations of the main character to those that were in GTA Vice City! They are less realistic, but they look very g...
11 February 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

HD textures for the beaches of Santa Maria and Verona Beach
Santa Maria and Verona Beach HD for mobile GTA SA! This mod will change the textures on the beaches, now they will be in HD quality! Be careful, the load on the system will increase!

6 MB
18 March 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Menu and loading screen for the anime "Boruto"
Menu + Loading Boruto for mobile GTA SA! This mod will change the standard images on the loading screen and in the menu to images from the anime "Naruto Boruto". All pictures are made in high quality, so they look beautiful and do not hurt the eyes.

3 MB
8 June 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New textures for the garage in San Fierro HQ
HQ REMASTERED San Fierro Garage For ANDROID Features: - New walls; - New roof; - New windows, doors; - New sand near the garage; - New tiles.
9 September 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New textures for the hangar in an abandoned airport
HD Desert Hangar Mipmapped for mobile Features: - High quality textures; - Cracks are visible on the hangar; - Does not spoil the atmosphere of the game.

11 MB
10 September 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New textures for the skate park in Los Santos
Skate Park with HDR Textures for mobile Features: - High quality textures; - Look good in the game; - New asphalt textures; - New grass textures.

18 MB
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