The game is 100% completed (Everything is collected and pumped)
GTA SA% 100 Completed Save Game
- All missions are completed;
- The game is 100% completed;
- Level: "True gangster";
- Cars are parked in the "Parker" mission: 25 out of 25;
- Graffiti painted over: 100 out of 100;
- Photos taken: 50 out of 50;
- Collected oysters: 50 out of 50;
- Collected horseshoes: 50 out of 50;
- Likes of girls: 100%;
- Territories controlled by Grove Street: 100%;
- The largest gang: Grove Street;
- Weapon skill: "Killer";
- All property purchased;
- Replaces the first and second (optional) save to save.
GTA SA %100 Completed Save Game
- Все миссии пройдены;
- Игра пройдена на 100%;
- Уровень: \"Истинный гангстер\";
- Припаркованы машины в миссии \"Парковщик\": 25 из 25;
- Закрашено граффити: 100 из 100;
- Сделано фотографий: 50 из 50;
- Собрано устриц: 50 из 50;
- Собрано подков: 50 из 50;
- Симпатии девушек: 100%;
- Территории под контролем Grove Street: 100%;
- Самая крупная банда: Grove Street;
- Навык владения оружием: \"Киллер\";
- Все имущество куплено;
- Заменяет первый и второй (на выбор) сейв для сохранения.
Recommended files

The game is 100% passed

100% completed, skills upgraded, territories captured

Collection of skins from the game WWE IMMORTALS

Pumping Carl at the beginning of the game

Convenient save to start the game

Save for a good start to the game

100% completed, all captured and skills upgraded

100% completion + captured all of San Andreas

HD radar icons from the PC version of the game

Sheriff from the BETA VERSION of the game (+ bonus)

100% completion

Track from the game Mario Kart

Radar from the game Need For Speed World

Adjusting the graphics during the game

Hammer and brass knuckles from the game Wrestling MPire