Title: Ganja Ryder. Authors: Script: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Model: Vasiok89 Aka WikiLeaks. Installation: transfer everything from the CLEO packs to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Use the Img tool to replace ryder_holes.dff with gta3.img. Use the Txd tool to replace ryderholes.txd with gta3.txt. Description: This mod replaces Ryder's pits with grass for smoking. To start smoking it, you need to pluck it first. We approach the first bush, where the car is, we tear it off, then - 3 + 4 - you will start smoking weed (after smoking you will stagger, while smoking your brain may swim CJ ). After breaking the herb, you can smoke it 3 times. There are bugs, I will try to remove them in the 2nd version Have a good game).