Title: CJ cop (LS) Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/Android/data/com.rockstargames. Description: This mod makes it possible to wear a cop uniform, thereby CJ will serve the law). Weapons: Cop club, pistol, mka. P.S.1. When CJ puts on his uniform, he teleports to the cops parking lot in LS. The cops will think that CJ killed the cop and give him stars. To take off the stars, drive up to the entrance to the parking lot. P.S.2. If you don't even kill the cops in the parking lot, then only they will treat you with hostility. P.S.3. Stars on CJ - DON'T WORK > BECAUSE HE'S A COP. Important: In order for everything to go correctly, you must kill all the cops in the parking lot. Have a good game).