*For the first group who has a weak device: - from the CLEO folder, drop everything into sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames
*For the second group who has a powerful device: - from the CLEO folder, drop everything into sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames -from the CLEO2 folder, drop everything into sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames
Description: Outside: For weak devices: 1) Car (Hotring) 2) Helicopter (Hunter) For powerful devices: 1) Car (Hotring) 2) Helicopter (Hunter) 3) Ability to collect drugs. 4) The ability to take profits.
In the house. for everyone: 1) Ability to survive. 2) Possibility to eat. 3) Ability to sleep. Enjoy the game)