Sketch continuation of the series Reckless MC. This series consists of several episodes and was published several years ago. This video is its continuation in the sketch format. ...
DAY ONE is a story about the fate of Marcus Lynch, who loses his gang of thugs due to a setup. Marcus has little money, and in general his life is coming to an end behind bars. However, Markus does not want to give up and gathers a new team for the ...
9 years of development have passed between GTA SA and GTA V, and the difference between their stories is 21 years. This comparison will clearly show how the city of Los Santos has changed during this time. Enjoy watching! ...
Several intersecting storylines that go far beyond the length of the video and the norms of morality. A real test for the beholder. 10 minutes of trash (garbage) and sometimes good music, the second video of the category #WithoutThought ...
3 o’clock in the morning is a fruitful time, though it doesn’t always take what you need. This video doesn't count. A music video with interesting transitions, the first one from the list of videos in the category #WithoutThought ...
DAY ONE is a story about the fate of Marcus Lynch, who loses his gang of thugs due to a setup. Marcus has little money, and in general his life is coming to an end behind bars. However, Markus does not want to give up and gathers a new team for the ...
Mutants United 2020. Series based on GTA V. At an abandoned enterprise, they began to create mutants. Who and why? - Not yet known. One mutant manages to escape, but how? How did they not follow him and why does he look so much like one of the ninj...
Amateur single-voiced voice acting and translation of the cut-scenes of the introduction from the channel "[Ru] Correct translation". Enjoy watching! ...
After the young hero received the most advanced virtual reality glasses, he found himself in a city full of chaos and confusion. And there he met the most advanced artificial intelligence for learning. I've been wanting to work with this video fo...