Mods for GTA 5 - 2870 files
Vehicle Maintenance 1.2
This mod adds the need for engine maintenance! Now, the health level of your vehicle's engine will appear at the bottom of the screen! For maintenance, press F7. For the mod to work you will need: Script Hook V Script Hook V.NET...
Vehicle Hotkeys 1.0
The script adds the ability to quickly repair or pump your car by pressing one key. Everything is fast and easy, without a graphical interface. Controls: Press "2" to repair your car. Press "9" to upgrade your car to its maximum performance (engine,...
vehicle health
If you don't want unkillable machines, but also don't want to install dozens of files via OpenIV, then this mod is for you. Reduces the HP of all vehicles by 10 times. You need Script Hook V and LUA.asi plugin for it. Put the mod in GTAV/scrip...
Vehicle Handling V 0.7
File uploaded by:
29 March 2016
File size:
14.88 Mb
Mod changes the control parameters (Handling) of all cars, bringing them closer to more real. Categories of vehicles whose parameters have been changed: - supercars; - sports cars; - coupe; - emergency vehicles; - compact; - motorcycles; - sports cl...
Vehicle Handling V 0.4
File uploaded by:
23 March 2016
File size:
14.88 Mb
Mod changes the control parameters (Handling) of all cars, bringing them closer to more real. Categories of vehicles whose parameters have been changed: - supercars; - sports cars; - coupe; - emergency vehicles; - compact; - motorcycles; - sports cl...
Vehicle Handling V 0.3
File uploaded by:
9 March 2016
File size:
14.83 Mb
Mod changes the control parameters (Handling) of all cars, bringing them closer to more real. Categories of vehicles whose parameters have been changed: - supercars; - sports cars; - coupe; - emergency vehicles; - compact; - motorcycles; - sports cl...
Vehicle Functions [.NET] 1.0a
The Vehicle Functions mod adds a convenient and functional menu to control vehicles to the game. The functionality of the mod includes not only spawning any equipment from the game, but also repairing, cleaning the car, choosing a color, turning on ...
Vehicle Export Missions 0.2
Vehicle Export Missions for GTA 5 - additional missions to steal and deliver the necessary cars in the game. The less damage on the wheelbarrow, the more you will be paid for it. In version 0.2: - Added missing motorcycles to search. - Added ...
Vehicle Detector v1.0.1
Description: Mod adds to the game the ability to check if the car has any illegal flags on it. Three options are available for the vehicle: Stolen, Wanted, None. Installation: 1. Install Script Hook V. 2. Install Script Hook V .NET. 3. Copy the ...
Vehicle Controller Ultimate v0.5.1
This script allows you to fully control your car. Installing For the script to work, you will need ScripthookV, and copy all the files from the archive to the root of the game folder. Management J = Left turn signal K = Warning signal L = Right...